My Economics test~ Everything was pretty fine, except there was a small interlude happened before I took my test. My mum called me to tell me that they will go back to our hometown that afternoon, mostly after taking their lunch. I knew they would go back very soon after my uncle came back from Singapore, so I didn't get so surprise of it. Furthermore, I had convinced myself that I will be going back home few days later.But still, deep inside my heart, I felt very sad. The feelings were overwhelming that it almost made me cry. Yet, I managed to force my tear back before I embarrass myself in front of my classmates.
So, my Economics test started very soon after my mum's call. And the process ran smooth and steady, everyone seems to be very concentrating on their paper, including me. The questions in the paper...well, candidly, it was not so hard. Your scoring was totally depending on the technique you used to answer the questions. Every questions was almost the same as those in the revision paper we had done in the class before. So, if you had put some effort on the revision, then the questions would not be a matter to you.
~9.++ am~
My brain started to slow down its functions. My alertness decreased drastically as my Psychology lecturer's lullaby kept on flowing into my brain, damaging the central nervous system. I could barely understood what she had explain to us, while my brain was in a state of semiconscious. Numb...
After that, Accounting period was coming. I liked Accounting, and I admired the lecturer very much. And it supposed to be a very interesting and enjoying subject for me. But surprisingly, the thought of "I want to sleep!!" penetrated through my mind almost at the time when my lecturer began her lesson. Oh my gosh~ I realized that I will still fell sleepy even though that lesson was my favourite subject!! Soon, I knew, I should take enough sleep the night before, so that I will be able to concentrate on my daily school lessons. However,sometimes, I was really enjoying myself to be a night bird, staring on the laptop screen and do whatever thing it deems fit to me.
~11.++ am,I guess~
I was totally confused with the schedule and I didn't know what was the exact time for us to go for lunch, to change our class and to switch our lessons. I was just shoving myself in the crowd, and just follow the crowd. Hehe, as I had mentioned just now, my alertness was very poor today as a result of burning the midnight oil yesterday. So, 11 something is my lunch time, I went to the Asia Cafe. As usual, there is a wide array of eateries available in the food courts, and the condition in that place was still the same. It always crowded with people and bustled with noise and excitement. It was a trend for most of the college students to settle their lunch outside, as most of us had few time to do our own cooking. Well~the cleanliness there..leave a lot to be desired. Yet, Asia Cafe always fulled house.
I went for my Malaysian Studies class, but the lecturer didn't show himself in the theatre. All of the J4 and J5 students waited for him in the theatre for almost one hour. Then, finally he appeared in the theatre. But, all of us had to leave the theatre as J5 students got another class. So, I went to the library to do some revision on the Mathematics subjects as I will be having a test one hour later. The library was full of students, but few students really attended themselves in the study corner. Most of the taylorians here were fond of the computer services available in the library. Of course, I went to the study corner. But instead of study, I lazed myself at the corner by doing nothing and ended up sleep on the table. It was my first experience to sleep in the library, and I purposely do that just because I was too tired.
Mathematics test started. There were only four main questions with some minor inter-connected polls. All the questions..well~neither easy nor difficult. All we need to do is to apply whatever principles we had learnt in the class in those questions. As long as we know what did the questions meant, it would not be a problem for us to score it. Yet, one thing that we can not neglected is the condition of the exam hall will more or less affect our exam performance. The hall was cold enough to freeze anyone of us. And my hands were trembling, my brain was totally...erm...jammed. Still, I succeeded in answering my questions.(Even though I wondered the answers were right or wrong.) Anyhow, it was still an good news to share with you all.Cheers!!
I rushed for the shuttle bus, fought for comfy seat in the bus, and I went back to Casa, my sweet little condominium. =)
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Friday, 21 August 2009
~My Energetic Family Members~

I was extremely happy when my brother(the one who is behind me in the picture) called me today. He said mum already arrived at Kuala Lumpur together with our cheerful and outgoing grandpa (He is a very sporting and energetic man I had ever seen, because he always likes to travel from one place to another place when my cousin, often mistaken as my older sister but actually younger than me were in school holidays. He looks old with an age of 78 something but the oldness didn't take his strength and determination to travel to wherever he wants. )
The places he had travelled include:-
Malaysia - Bukit Kayu Hitam, Bukit Larut, Cameron Highland, Genting Highland, Penang Island, Langkawi Island, Pangkor Island, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur,and Johor Bahru.
Thailand - I don't know what is the place's name, but I were sure that he enjoyed the trip very well, because he had brought back lots of souvenirs from there.
Singapore - Almost every year, no, no, no, every Malaysia's long term public holidays, he will start his exploration to Singapore, I guess he had discovered all the places in Singapore as once I went there with him, he seems to be very familiar with all the things there. The only thing he can't manage well is his language, his English~~well, no comment for this. :P
China - I certainly know he loves China very well, no of the country, but the scenery. Undoubtedly he is a pure Malaysian, just he likes the feeling in China. He had visited the Great Wall of China, Xia Men, Xin Jiang, Beijing, and Jiu Zhou. I guess, he will plans to go there again at the end of this year, if there is no any problem distracts his plan. Hehe...
My grandpa never travelled to the western country before. First is because of the language, second is the western style didn't suit him well. Hehe~may be in the future, when I succeed to get myself a place in Australia, then he probably will take the ride to the foreign land. Hehehe~
Okay, I am chasing the herring just now, haha~back to the point. I was really really really extremely in cloud nine(whatever), when my bro called me just few hours ago. Knowing that my mum already in KL, staying in my aunt's house somewhere in Damansara.(I really don't know what and where was the condominium, even though i had went there before. :P) This was the most pleasant news for me. I was so excited and I know sooner or later I will meet her again after so long of quiet. Yea~it has been very long time that I didn't see my mum face, wondering how was her life there in our small lovely hometown. But for sure, everyone must be as fit as a fiddle. Wakaka~~=)
Tomorrow!!! I am waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I wish to eat my mum "mihun goreng" or whatever food she will prepare; tomorrow, I wish to go out with her; tomorrow, I wish to take her somewhere around KL for a visit (even though I had no idea about anything in KL); tomorrow and tomorrow...Wow, I expect a very good journey with her in the next few days in KL~~Wahaha~
Sunday, 16 August 2009
My Sunday Schedule
Today was a lovely Sunday for me~I woke up very late in the morning, somehow around 10am. But it was usual for me, yet, not for my housemates. Haha..my housemates tend to wake up very early in the morning, almost when the dawn penetrated through the horizon, all my housemates will automatically wake up, except me. I preferred to wake up late every weekends as I used to arouse from my sweet dreams extremely early in every single school days!!!!It was an agony for me to say bye bye to my nice and sweet scenery in my own world!! Hehe~~
My breakfast equals to my lunch~
Menu: 2 slices of bread with tuna, 1 full cup of H2O, and 1 cup of instant noodles.
Easy and simple meal for me, as I was really really lazy to do any cooking stuff on Sunday, I would rather lazed around my unit, the toilet, the room, the kitchen to find something interesting~~hehe~But i won't sit all day long in front of the TV and become a couch potato, I won't!! It will be terrifically boring for me~~
I spent my afternoon time to my "~SWEET~" economics assignment as he really..in some way~ drove me mad!!! How come you can be soooooo.....supercilious!!!Yisssssss~~~~my brain screwed up with those theories, explanations and some of the lengthy, dull,and sometimes with lots of redundant issues pdf format files, I have to read piles of files to get the information that I want, I have to get through words by words to search for the content that suit my work. Yet, I managed to find some points only, it even not enough for me to scribble a blank page of my workbook, so..I was thinking that it will be a tough chore for me in this few days before the deadline. My eyes getting drier and drier and perhaps it will turned into eyesore sooner or later in the coming moment~and I will have to buy an eye mo to ease my precious eyes~hehe~however, i still love economics~I like it as it was intriguing!!!@.@
Dinner time~
Menu @ Banana Leaf Cafe : Normal Fried Rice + Ice Tea + Vegetables Soup
Yummy, yummy~slurp!! The fried rice was awesome!!! It was totally a big plate of rice I had ever seen in a cafe like this. I mean commonly the food was just a small chicken scoop which was just enough to fill up the tummy. I and my housemate enjoyed the food very well, great!!!! With the smooth melodies keep on fluttering around the cafe, winds gently blew by , and the yellow lamps shimmering, the atmosphere was a bit olden days and glamour for me~I really had my time very well there!! I found out myself tend to fond of the atmosphere like that. It was peaceful, calm, and steady~~~Nice!!=)
My breakfast equals to my lunch~
Menu: 2 slices of bread with tuna, 1 full cup of H2O, and 1 cup of instant noodles.
Easy and simple meal for me, as I was really really lazy to do any cooking stuff on Sunday, I would rather lazed around my unit, the toilet, the room, the kitchen to find something interesting~~hehe~But i won't sit all day long in front of the TV and become a couch potato, I won't!! It will be terrifically boring for me~~
I spent my afternoon time to my "~SWEET~" economics assignment as he really..in some way~ drove me mad!!! How come you can be soooooo.....supercilious!!!Yisssssss~~~~my brain screwed up with those theories, explanations and some of the lengthy, dull,and sometimes with lots of redundant issues pdf format files, I have to read piles of files to get the information that I want, I have to get through words by words to search for the content that suit my work. Yet, I managed to find some points only, it even not enough for me to scribble a blank page of my workbook, so..I was thinking that it will be a tough chore for me in this few days before the deadline. My eyes getting drier and drier and perhaps it will turned into eyesore sooner or later in the coming moment~and I will have to buy an eye mo to ease my precious eyes~hehe~however, i still love economics~I like it as it was intriguing!!!@.@
Dinner time~
Menu @ Banana Leaf Cafe : Normal Fried Rice + Ice Tea + Vegetables Soup
Yummy, yummy~slurp!! The fried rice was awesome!!! It was totally a big plate of rice I had ever seen in a cafe like this. I mean commonly the food was just a small chicken scoop which was just enough to fill up the tummy. I and my housemate enjoyed the food very well, great!!!! With the smooth melodies keep on fluttering around the cafe, winds gently blew by , and the yellow lamps shimmering, the atmosphere was a bit olden days and glamour for me~I really had my time very well there!! I found out myself tend to fond of the atmosphere like that. It was peaceful, calm, and steady~~~Nice!!=)
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Tiredness VS Monotonous

The life here was rather monotonous and dull. Nothing else we can do, except study, study and study. Keep on study, study and study. There was no fun here, no surprises(except for the test results), no entertainment. Even though there are MYDIN, GIANT, SUNWAY PYRAMID, SUMMIT, SUBANG PARADE around my hostel and school, but it didn't symbolises our preferences to go there and shopped everything there, because most of us were exhausted after a long day torment in school, and it seems that we were here to go to the school and when we were in school, we just hope the time run faster so that we can go back to the hostel. Apparently, we were rambling between two objects: the school and the hostel.It kept turning round and round just like those cars spinning at the round-about.
For almost 1 month, I had been here. Watching the seniors and fellow friends woke up early in the morning, ate their breakfast and prepared themselves to school. Everything was being play again and again everyday, of course, except Saturday and Sunday.Hehe...But, I think~I will used to it, suit myself to the lifestyle here, although it was a bit boring, at least it ensured a secure place which was free of seduction to me and made me to be more concentrate on my study, at least it was good in the point of consistency in studying. At least...:)
Monday, 10 August 2009
Sad - Conflicts
Once again, I was facing with the screen in front of me, typing a letter by a letter on my blog. but this time, I am not going to talk about anything, and I had no idea on what I am going to write about. My feeling was terribly bad, I had no mood in doing anything, and I was getting frustrated and furious on the matter that happened on me today, very unpleasant issues between me and my friends...
The first case was happened during my lunch break. I and some of my friends decided to go to the market to have our lunch as the food there was cheaper than those in Asia Cafe. But, the atmosphere of that noon was rather hot and clumsy and stretched my nerves. The distance from our school to the market was quite far, and the six of us had to walk across the street, pace along the shop lot corridor before we reach the place. The food there was nice and great, the stall had provided us a lot of choice on the dishes, and we chose some of the dishes that we preferred. But then, something happened...when we almost finished our meal, one of my friends wanted to buy some raw vegetables, so that she will be able to cook in the hostel later. But I was really wondered about it, was she going to buy some vegetables and brought it to school as we will have our class very soon after the lunch?! I was thinking that it was really ridiculous!! And that was the time where some spark flicked between me and her. It was all my fault!! I can ignore the things she was doing, I can try not to show any expression on it, and i can just keep my mouth shut and say nothing on it. But I didn't do it. I done everything that I shouldn't do, and this made our relation stretching hard like a rubber band been pulled by an extremely strong forces. It was nut at all. But luckily, the condition was successfully been restored later, we didn't take the matter seriously and we merely smile and let it go. Friends again!!
But, the second case didn't heal up, it was getting worse. And it was my fault again!! This time, the character had changed to my senior. My senior was studying the same course as me in the same school and he was also my former school senior, but he was the same age as me because he passed the PTS test, straight jump over standard 5 and studied in standard 6. The conflict happened was because of my way of asking him questions. He was very unsatisfied and angered with my way of questioning. He said I was very rude during asking him questions. I was hurt, really hurt by his words. It was as sharp as a knife that penetrated through my heart, I really didn't mean to hurt him in the way of questioning, instead I treated him as a pal, a friend from the same town, same school. I didn't know why the scene can go like that, I had tried to apologize to him, but it seems to be useless. I hate myself so much, I really despise my style of questioning others, may be some of my friends also noticed this offence, but they just kept silence. I really dislike such a manner. But, I didn't know what should I do now..what should I do to restore the relationship? How do I mend my manner? I...really don't know. Maybe, I should leave him alone and give myself some time to think about it, give myself some moment to figure out the problem and give myself some more space to seek the solution. Maybe, I hope, the time can faded everything up, slowly washed away the unpleasant things that was disrupting me now. I hope and I wish...
The first case was happened during my lunch break. I and some of my friends decided to go to the market to have our lunch as the food there was cheaper than those in Asia Cafe. But, the atmosphere of that noon was rather hot and clumsy and stretched my nerves. The distance from our school to the market was quite far, and the six of us had to walk across the street, pace along the shop lot corridor before we reach the place. The food there was nice and great, the stall had provided us a lot of choice on the dishes, and we chose some of the dishes that we preferred. But then, something happened...when we almost finished our meal, one of my friends wanted to buy some raw vegetables, so that she will be able to cook in the hostel later. But I was really wondered about it, was she going to buy some vegetables and brought it to school as we will have our class very soon after the lunch?! I was thinking that it was really ridiculous!! And that was the time where some spark flicked between me and her. It was all my fault!! I can ignore the things she was doing, I can try not to show any expression on it, and i can just keep my mouth shut and say nothing on it. But I didn't do it. I done everything that I shouldn't do, and this made our relation stretching hard like a rubber band been pulled by an extremely strong forces. It was nut at all. But luckily, the condition was successfully been restored later, we didn't take the matter seriously and we merely smile and let it go. Friends again!!
But, the second case didn't heal up, it was getting worse. And it was my fault again!! This time, the character had changed to my senior. My senior was studying the same course as me in the same school and he was also my former school senior, but he was the same age as me because he passed the PTS test, straight jump over standard 5 and studied in standard 6. The conflict happened was because of my way of asking him questions. He was very unsatisfied and angered with my way of questioning. He said I was very rude during asking him questions. I was hurt, really hurt by his words. It was as sharp as a knife that penetrated through my heart, I really didn't mean to hurt him in the way of questioning, instead I treated him as a pal, a friend from the same town, same school. I didn't know why the scene can go like that, I had tried to apologize to him, but it seems to be useless. I hate myself so much, I really despise my style of questioning others, may be some of my friends also noticed this offence, but they just kept silence. I really dislike such a manner. But, I didn't know what should I do now..what should I do to restore the relationship? How do I mend my manner? I...really don't know. Maybe, I should leave him alone and give myself some time to think about it, give myself some moment to figure out the problem and give myself some more space to seek the solution. Maybe, I hope, the time can faded everything up, slowly washed away the unpleasant things that was disrupting me now. I hope and I wish...
Friday, 7 August 2009
Father And Mother I Love You

Hmm...calculate and calculate..I had left my home for 28 days...well,it wasn't a long time for some people. But for me, it is really my very first time of leaving home for such a long time and I really miss my home a lot, my family, my mum, my dad, my bros and my little cute pets(Boy and Girl) and some more my handsome "home guard"(Ah Lung), really really miss them a lot. And the most important thing i miss is the feeling that I can only feel at home, it's a sense of secure, love, intimacy, and oneness among the family members. It was perfectly good and relaxing when we were staying together with our beloved family. Anything that is doubtful and uncertain, we can always find them as a resources to solve the matter, no one will hate you, disguise you, despise you, instead,they will always stand beside you, support you, love you, and try their best to follow your footsteps when you are moving fast ahead of them, they will never never call you to slow down or stop you in your path of pursuing your dream. Eventhough they are unable to catch up, they will just stay at a distance which is the nearest to you to support you, hold you. I love my family, and they are everything to me!! Without them, i am nothing. Nothing!!
"FAMILY" is awesome!! It is the most powerful and most wonderful thing that had been created by our god. It's a great intriguing institution in the world, and it is a safe harbour for all the ships to anchor. In my opinion, no one is alone in this world, even if they are alone for now, it doesn't mean that they never had a close mate before. Don't say that I'm naive enough to think that everyone is happy ever with their mates, friends,or family, It was a fact, without a mum, where are you from? How do you live? You are depended on the world, the people and resources around you, there will be someone who care for you, just...you don't know!! And I want to mention something here, FAMILY doesn't mean only those who have blood relation to you, it has a very large range instead. Even those who have no relation to you can be your family, only if you want. Nobody will forces you to accept the other, and to receive everything that you dislike. You have your right, you own your way of life.
Well, well, it is very obvious that I am talking about family today. I love family, and I love everything around me except those I hate :P Hehe...Addition: F.A.M.I.L.Y splitted up become~Father And Mother I Love You!!!
Monday, 3 August 2009
It's All About Memories~

Sometimes, photographs help us a lot in recollecting our previous precious sweet memory that had sank deeply in our brain. Recently, some of my former school friends uploaded their collection of photo to Facebook which most of it were the photo that took along the way I and my friends had went through in my previous school. And all of it was concerning the issue that happened within Hua Lian St.John. Hua Lian St.John Ambulance Malaysia was very well-known in north Perak for which it had helped the north Perak headquarter won lots of trophy and reputation in the State First-aid and Home Nursing Competition every year. And that was the uniform unit that i had participated in. The life in St.John was quite busy, busy doing all the stuff that were told by our Executive Committee, busy preparing financial and secretarial annual reports for AGM and busy organising activities for all the members. Some of my friends were hardly taken care of their academic stuff too!!! So, at that time, it was very popular that everyone wants to resign from St.John. But, luckily, we still able to bear the hardships and challenges and finally farewell ourselves at the end of 2008.
Clicking on the next button of the album in Facebook, I saw a few familiar face in that stack of photos, all of them were smiling sweetly and happily in front of the camera, despite of knowing that we will have to say goodbye to each other after that session. And I still remember, it was rather bustling with noise and excitement that day, everyone smile, laugh and tease each other,ignoring the emotional subdue that was stirring in their heart. Yet, I know. Everyone will have their own destiny to go, and no one will ever stop for who else.Indeed, the dark, callous, windy obscurity that are waiting ahead for us was an uncertainty. Everybody will have to face it, encounter it in order to accomplish their goals~So, friends, come on and keep on track, i will always be there to support you all. Cheer up, my friends!!!!!!!!!
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